The Secret To Taking Good Instagram Photos

by - 10:03 PM

The Secret To Taking Good Instagram Photos

So you want to know the secret to good Instagram photos? Well lucky for you I've had trial and huge error with this. But recently I've been getting messages asking what the secret is or if I have any tips on how to get that perfect Instagram photo. So I thought I'd put a little bullet list for you explaining what I do to get bomb ass photos.
  • First off, rule number one is to never try. The minute you start trying is when it becomes unnatural looking. 
  •  It's okay to take bad photos. Some people expect to get the picture right away and when that doesn't happen they get upset and it can ruin the whole shoot. In some cases you might only get 1 out of 100 but that is all you need. 
  • Don't be afraid to try things that may feel uncomfortable or new. You may discover something that you never thought would work before. This even includes location. You might not realize it but you may have a great location in the alley behind your house. 
  • If you want a picture that looks like your walking then take a picture of yourself actually walking. I know this sounds obvious but a lot of people will try to pose like they are walking and it just doesn't look convincing. 
  • Don't give a fuck what people think. People may be looking or stare for a moment but guess will most likely never see these people ever again. 
  • Last thing, if you have a fear of taking pictures in front of people then try going to your local mall and taking photo in the food court. Might give you insane anxiety but your next shoot will be a piece of cake. 
    The Secret To Taking Good Instagram Photos
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